Once you have understood all the benefits that Credit Insurance can bring to your company, the next important step is to choose a broker specialized in this line of insurance. The correct choice of this business partner is one of the keys to the success of the management of a Credit Insurance program, therefore that decision should be carefully pondered.
Credit Insurance is a very dynamic form of insurance, differently from property, motor and liability insurances, for instance. This is so because it is directly linked to sales activities by offering protection to such operations.
Therefore, the specialized and focused services that CredRisk Insurances provides, give the necessary support to enable your company to conduct its operations safely and achieve sustainable growth.
Likewise, specialization accounts for our in-depth technical knowledge of the product, which enables us to:
- meet any demand and answer any questions that the client may have in connection with his policy;
- provide correct orientation with respect to the procedures to be adopted;
- explain any protection alternatives that may eventually be required; and
- recommend the ideal type of insurance policy for your company’s business model and its characteristics, thereby ensuring that your Insurance Program fully meets your requirements.
CredRisk Insurances also counts on a Claims Department that provides support to the client for the reporting of defaults to the Insurer. This department, in addition to providing orientation to the company concerning the required procedures, deadlines and relevant documentation, also follows up with the Insurer on these cases, to ensure that there are no delays in the loss adjustment process, and especially in the payment of indemnities.
Furthermore, we have an excellent relationship with all the Insurers that operate in the Brazilian and in the international insurance markets. Therefore, we are able to find the best and most adequate insurance solutions for the operations of your company in any market.
CredRisk Insurances also counts on an additional support facility for Credit Insurance programs through CredPartner, an affiliated credit and collection consulting services company. Therefore, we are able to offer independent risk analysis, training, due diligence services, and evaluation and development of credit policies, among other services.
CredRisk Insurances, since its foundation in 2007, has been following the principle of specialization in Credit Insurance. Since then, we have been offering our insureds focused and agile services, and the best structuring solutions, insurance products and covers. If you are looking for credit protection for your company or reevaluating an existing program, we most certainly can assist you in your task. Contact us to find out how we can help you.
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