Once you have understood all the benefits that Credit Insurance can bring to your company, the next important step is to choose a broker specialized in this line of insurance. The correct choice of this business partner is one of the keys to the success of the management of a Credit Insurance ...
Posts by: Phillip Krinker
What are the advantages of contracting CredRisk Insurances?
20 de Setembro de 2018 Phillip Krinker Sem comentáriosCredit Insurance and political/commercial risks
5 de Setembro de 2018 Phillip Krinker Sem comentários
It is becoming increasingly more common for Brazilian companies to sell on credit to other countries and, from a certain standpoint, that is an indication of success and of the conquest of new markets. However, sales to this type of client can turn into a headache in the case of insolvency or ...
Seguro de Crédito e os riscos políticos/comerciais
31 de Agosto de 2018 Phillip Krinker Sem categoria, seguro de crédito, clientes Sem comentários
Cada vez é mais comum que empresas brasileiras vendam a prazo para outros países e, de certa forma, esse é um indicativo de sucesso e conquista de outros mercados. Porém, vendas para esse tipo de cliente podem se tornar uma dor de cabeça em caso de insolvência ou mora.
How to improve the management of your company’s credit area
29 de Agosto de 2018 Phillip Krinker Sem comentários
During the past few years, we have been experiencing a period of financial turmoil in our country. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that businessmen not only take certain precautions, but also acquire greater in-depth knowledge of their clients, and find the best options for certain ...
Como melhorar a gestão da área de crédito da sua empresa
28 de Agosto de 2018 Phillip Krinker Sem categoria, seguro de crédito, gestão na área de crédito, clientes Sem comentários
Nos últimos anos, vivenciamos um período de turbulência financeira em nosso país. Por esse motivo, é de suma importância que o empresariado não tome apenas determinadas precauções, como também adquira um maior conhecimento de seus clientes e verifique a melhor opção para realizar certos ...
How the CFO can optimize the company’s cash flow
22 de Agosto de 2018 Phillip Krinker Sem comentários
Chief Financial Officers (CFO) are playing an increasingly decisive role in companies, which goes beyond cash flow management.
Benefits that CEOs can gain through Credit Insurance
17 de Agosto de 2018 Phillip Krinker Sem comentários
Did you know that thousands of companies worldwide guarantee their results through Credit Insurance? This type of insurance provides protection against default on credit sales, and indemnifies the insured companies (creditors) for non-repayment of credits extended to their clients (debtors).
How to calculate the value of a Credit Insurance indemnity
17 de Agosto de 2018 Phillip Krinker Sem comentários
One of the main benefits of contracting a Credit Insurance policy is the recovery of losses caused by defaulting clients. But how can one calculate the indemnity to be paid by the Insurer after a loss has been assessed?
Surety insurance can be used to meet public and private demand, and it is the option chosen due to ease of placement, cost, and because it does not place a burden on bank lines.
Dolly and Eternit filed for judicial reorganization
24 de Julho de 2018 Phillip Krinker Sem comentários
Last week, we came across two other judicial reorganization requests from well-known companies, Dolly and Eternit. We will not delve into the importance of the difficulties encountered by these two traditional companies, which culminated with judicial reorganization requests, we will rather address ...
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