Muitas empresas credoras se vêem em uma situação delicada quando um ou mais clientes que representam boa parte de seus lucros torna-se inadimplente e, em muitos casos, chega a pedir Recuperação Judicial. O que fazer para garantir a saúde financeira da própria empresa sem correr riscos?
Posts by: Phillip Krinker
Meu cliente entrou em Recuperação Judicial. Como recuperar meu crédito?
24 de Maio de 2018 Phillip Krinker Sem categoria, seguro de crédito, clientes Sem comentáriosPanorama: como o seguro de crédito está se inserindo no mercado brasileiro
22 de Maio de 2018 Phillip Krinker Sem categoria, seguro de crédito, mercado brasileiro Sem comentários
Fortemente difundido na Europa, o seguro de crédito chegou com mais força no Brasil em 2003 com as multinacionais, já que estas já contratavam o seguro de crédito no exterior. Assim ele foi se expandindo aos poucos para as filiais brasileiras.
Os principais mitos sobre seguro de crédito
18 de Maio de 2018 Phillip Krinker Sem categoria, seguro de crédito, mitos seguro de crédito Sem comentários
Viemos desvendar alguns mitos muito comuns quando se fala em seguro de crédito, porque muitas pessoas no Brasil ainda tem uma visão bastante superficial do produto, que é tão usado lá fora em países da Europa, por ser reconhecido como o maior aliado da segurança financeira de uma empresa.
Did you know that 25% of bankruptcies are caused by non-payment of invoices? Your company extends payment terms to customers every day. As this is a routine business task, you may not have considered the risks you are assuming, isn’t that so?
In today’s market, your company needs to extend credit to customers, in order to maintain its competitivity. However, every time you extend credit to a customer, there is the risk of the debt not being paid. Such creates risks for the company’s cash flow and profitability. Therefore, it is ...
How to Contract and/or Renew your Credit Insurance
14 de Maio de 2018 Phillip Krinker Sem comentários
How about starting 2018 with peace of mind and free of worry, such as non-payment by your customers? Still in the midst of an environment of global recession, with credit restrictions in all areas, credit management is becoming increasingly important to a company’s success. Credit Insurance helps ...
To maintain a company’s financial health is one of the main concerns of every businessman. However, unforeseen circumstances may happen and impact your business. The credit granted by suppliers corresponds to double the amount provided by banks to finance their buyers. Whereas the companies’ ...
How Credit Insurance can help fund your business?
14 de Maio de 2018 Phillip Krinker Sem comentários
With the arrival of 2018, many companies are starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel in the midst of a frustrating financial scenario that 2017 left behind.
The recent political and economic crisis scenario brought with it many of the challenging situations and difficulties that companies are now experiencing. One of the major difficulties, which has given many businessmen sleepless nights, is the increased level of default.
Widely used by European and American companies, Credit Insurance is still little known to Brazilian companies. According to data from Fenseg, less than one thousand Brazilian companies use this insurance in the country.
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